シヤチハタ スタンプインキ SGN-40-G シヤチハタ 4974052323065(160セット)
| シヤチハタ スタンプインキ SGN-40-G シヤチハタ 4974052323065(160セット)
価格:116,800 円
【箱買い商品 /
◆インキ:油性顔料◆容量:40mlIn the case of dispatch, please refer for this product for order beforehand from a maker. The stamp ink for exclusive use of
55 g of [I buy a box and enter product / one 160 sets] green Shachihata ink pads. ◆Ink: Oiliness color ◆ capacity:
40 mlHow to order in shopping cart
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